October 1, 2012

Day 17 - September 30, 2012: Up the Ohio River to the Tennessee River

I awoke today to this incredible painting in the sky. How sad it is that we seem to miss these things in our busy daily working lives. Even though I understand the physics of how this works, it is beyond understanding how it can be all assembled into such a masterpiece. Who is the painter?

We turned up the Ohio River, where the current can be several miles per hour against the hull of the boat. This, of course, means much higher fuel consumption and longer trip times. Today, we experienced a 3 mph reduction in speed due to the current. Since we planned an ambitious leg to get through to the Tennessee River and into the Kentucky Lakes, we had to add power and suffer the fuel cost.

You may be envisioning our day motoring on the tug like reclining pool side on a cruise ship and watching the sights. Well not quite so. Each day we must review and understand a plan for tomorrow and look at the charts to see what is ahead and what might be encountered along the way.

As the captain, one must ensure the safety of the vessel and all aboard at all times. This starts with engine room checks of the sea strainers, fluid levels and observing the condition of wires, hoses, and batteries. An engine problem can leave you stranded far from help.

While underway, there are a myriad of things going on simultaneously. You watch the charts and follow your progress while comparing them to the actual river and landmarks. You must be aware of possible dangers such as other pleasure craft, commercial tows, floating logs, sand bars, and changing weather. You are monitoring the vhf radio and talking to bridges, dams and locks, and others you are traveling with or may be passing nearby. You are preparing fenders and lines in order to enter and exit the locks. All this while looking at scenery, passing homes, factories and towns, and snapping pictures.

Is it work? YES! Is it worth it? YES! To be so fortunate to sense the unknown and experience the adventure stimulates and energizes you and leaves you amazingly satisfied each day.

Our safe, secure and reliable home

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