January 29, 2013

Day 119 - January 28, 2013: Marco Island

Win was kind enough to drive Anne to a hair appointment and take me to pick up some items at Publix grocery store. Then we stopped to say goodbye to Susan, went back to Great Laker, and headed out for Marco Island. Thanks again to Win and Susan for all they did for us while we were in Naples!

Marco is a four-mile by six-mile island, ten miles south of Naples. It was used as an Air Force airfield for surveillance and defense missions over Cuba during the 60s. At that time it was almost totally deserted with a population of only 550 and one small older hotel. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, the island was opened up for private development, and the first commercial and residential development started in the mid 60s. A complete island plan was created and canals were dug to provide fill for homes with water access, many gated areas, condominiums, shopping areas, and two hotels. Today, the 15,000 permanent resident population swells to over 35,000 in the winter season. Also, the island now has a hefty 1,500 inhabitants per square mile, and many are the rich and famous. This island, in just over 50 years, has become a treasured destination, albeit filled to capacity.

We came into the Esplanade Marina, which is right in the heart of the downtown. I needed to do some repairs on the dinghy davits and needed additional tools which the dock master provided. After washing down the boat, we took a walk through the downtown area. Here is the Esplanade Marina, amidst scores of downtown buildings, and our view of a nearby restaurant from Great Laker's sun deck.
The Esplanade Marina
Restaurant off the port bow
For dinner, I grilled a thick slab of fresh salmon, and it was as good as any restaurant!

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